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Issue 1: Thinking through Oceanic Visual Cultures 


The Clam’s Kiss | Sogi a le faisua begins with Issue 1: Thinking through Oceanic Visual Cultures—accompanying the first exhibition in the ambitious multi-year initiative Blue Assembly—to expand mind, heart and body with a number of urgent perspectives. New texts are released monthly.


Invited writers and thinkers belonging to multiple ancestries, deltas and archipelagos across the Great Ocean have each penned a response to an important text, sometimes rare and out of print. In concert, these texts situate readers, writers, artists, curators, scientists and communities alike in multiple intersectional Indigenous understandings of the Great Ocean. 


For readers uninitiated to the burgeoning transdisciplinary fields of Global Indigenous Visual Arts and Blue Humanities, these reprinted and out of print texts alongside their contemporary responses propel smarter solutions to a panoply of existential crises, greater consciousness of the complexity of planetary life, and collectivised forms of futurity built in union.


With this inaugural issue of the online journal The Clam’s Kiss | Sogi a le faisua, the resonances of transoceanic thought are felt across digital territories, traversing vast bodies of water, in an act of gathering to attend to these writings and language that have been present throughout but in the shadows, awaiting their return in new forms of symbiotic being and knowing, like the many entities whose homes we term faisua today. 

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